Application form

Welcome to apply for courses at Valdres Sommersymfoni, summer of 2025!

  • The application deadline is January 15th, 2025.
  • Applications will be answered by February 15th, 2025.
  • Confirmation of your spot and payment of the course fee must be completed by March 1st, 2025.

If you are a string player, apply for the appropriate course for your age group in either the 1st period, 2nd period, or both. The jury will evaluate the applications based on the information provided in the application form and the submitted recording.

To complete the application form, you must have a link to a recording of yourself that represents your level in a good way.

Remember to accept cookies in your browser. Also, make sure all fields marked with a red star are filled out/checked.

Note: You will receive an error message when making a payment if you have the application form open in multiple tabs in your browser at the same time.

Information about the applicant
Please write the first name of the applicant
Please write your last name
Please write the applicants address
Please write the applicants zip code
Please write the applicants city
Please write your email address
Please write the email address where you want all of the important information regarding your application and payment, to be sent. Note: The information is only sent to this address.
Please write a phone number
Please remember to write the country code if you do not have a Norwegian number!
Please fill in your date of birth
Please fill in your month of birth
Please choose your year of birth
Please write the age of the applicant during the summer course
Your age during the summer course in 2024
Please choose your gender, or if you have arranged private lodging
We use this information to assign bedrooms. If you have arranged private lodging you do not have to choose a gender, and you can choose "Privat lodging". If you choose "other" we will be in contact with you in regard to accomodation.
Are you a student at a college or university?
Please state if you are a student under higher education such as a bachelors degree
Please write the name of your college/university
Please write which study program you are taking
Choose course and instrument
Course period
Choose a course period
1st period (June 20 - June 25 2025)
You have to select from the available courses
Please choose instrument
Elective course 1st period (June 20 - June 25 2025)
Please note that participation in electives will take time away from your individual practice, and we recommend applying for only one elective.
Do you wish to attend the Mentor program for young teachers?
It is possible to apply for the Mentor program for young teachers. This entails teaching a few hours a day in exchange for free board and lodging.
2nd period (25 - 30 June 2025)
You have to select from the available courses
Please choose instrument
Do you wish to attend the Mentor program for young teachers?
It is possible to apply for the Mentor program for young teachers. This entails teaching a few hours a day in exchange for free board and lodging.
Are you bringing your own harp?
I also want to be considered for a viola spot.
Please write whether you wish to be considered for playing viola or not
Would you like to be considered for an other course if you do not get accepted for the course you have chosen?
Do you want to be considered for a course in another period if you do not get a place in the period you are applying for?
Please write the name of your current teacher
Please write the e-mail address for your teacher
Please write a location
Please write what talent or educational program you are involved in, and the place for this
Please write how long you have been playing your instrument
Please state the last solo piece you performed
If you apply to the GNIST course you have to send a short video where you present your motivation for attending the course. Maximum lengths is 2 minutes.
I am dependent on a scholarship to be able to participate
Click HERE, for information on prices. Opens in a new window.
Do you wish us to provide your accommodation, or do you organize your own lodging?
Please choose your accommodation
I was born in 2014 or later and must therefore have a parent with me during the course
All applicants born in 2014 or later must be accompanied by a parent. If you would like more than one parent and/or non-playing siblings to participate, fill in the form below and we will let you know if we have room for this.
Please write the name of your parent
Name of non-attending sibling
Contact information for parent or emergency contact
Please write the name of your parent or emergency contact
Write a phone number for your parent or emergency contact
Please give us a email address for a parent or emergency contact
Siblings who are applying to the course
If you apply for both periods, please state if the sibling is applying for the first, second, or both periods
Do you approve that we take a picture or video of you during the course, and that we may use these for our marketing purposes?
Please choose if you allow us to take, and use pictures of you, during the course, or not
May we share your email address with our partners/other courses if they want to contact you?
Choose if we can share your email with our partners
Do you approve that we save the information you have given us for later correspondence?
You need to choose if we can save the information for later invitations.
Please accept the terms
Accept terms and regulations
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